Ostarol 30tab/25mg



Company: Synox Medicals
Active Half-life (Hours):  24h
Group: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM)
Subgroup: Oral/tablets
Dosage:  25 mg per tab.
Application (Men):  10-25 mg /day
Product pack:  30 tab.
Content (active): Ostarine (MK-2866)
Retains water: No
Aromatization: No

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Product Description

Originally, Ostarine (MK-2866) was developed to treat muscle-wasting conditions such as osteoporosis and sarcopenia. This medication belongs to the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) group and is known for its ability to selectively target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues. This selective action promotes muscle growth and bone strength while minimizing unwanted side effects associated with anabolic steroids.


By using Ostarine, athletes can achieve noticeable improvements in lean muscle mass, enhanced physical recovery, increased endurance, and effective preservation of muscle tissue during calorie-restricted phases. It is widely regarded as one of the safest SARMs for both beginners and experienced users.


The most common adverse reactions associated with Ostarine include mild suppression of natural testosterone levels, occasional fatigue, and, rarely, joint pain relief (often confused with water retention). In most cases, side effects are temporary and manageable. A PCT is generally recommended after longer cycles to restore hormonal balance.


Ostarine delivers excellent results as a standalone compound but can be stacked with other SARMs like Ligandrol for bulking or Cardarine for cutting and endurance. It is particularly favored in recomping cycles for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain.