Superdrol 50tab/10mg



Company: Synox Medicals
Active Half-life (Hours):8-12h
Group: Anabolic Steroids
Subgroup: Oral/tablets
Dosage:  10 mg per tab
Application (Men): 10-30 mg a day
Product pack: 50 tab.
Content (active): Methasterone (Superdrol)
Retains water: No
Aromatization: No

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Product Description

Superdrol, chemically known as methasterone or 17a-methyl-drostanolone, is a well-known and popular substance for most strength athletes and bodybuilders. The preparation acts like anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). However, it is stronger, faster and more effective than most anabolic steroids because it is not a classical hormone. This is because it belongs to a class of steroids called prohormones.

Swiss Pharmaceuticals SUPERDROL is used to achieve a significant increase in fat-free muscle mass and muscular vascularity. However, it differs from conventional anabolic-androgenic steroids by its rapid action. The results of a Superdrol cycle are clearly visible and enormous.

prohormo cycle with SUPERDROL aims to increase your fat-free muscle mass as well as to improve your physical performance and the regeneration and recovery of muscle tissue. This is achieved by promoting nitrogen storage in muscle cells, inducing protein synthesis and increasing muscular vascularity. After the treatment you should think about Cycle Support.

Superdrol is very useful in bodybuilding. Its potency and speed are indisputably the best you can get from a strong hormone. If you want to see success for yourself and build up more lean muscle mass, you should definitely try Superdrol, which is one of the strongest designer prohormone supplements!

The benefits of Swiss Pharma Superdrol at a glance:

  • provides you with strength and energy
  • increases your testosterone levels
  • helps you burn fat and lose weight
  • supports you in building up defined muscle mass
  • promotes protein synthesis
  • improves your athletic performance
  • increases your libido