Тестостерон Енантат 250 мг/мл 10 мл флакон


Технічні характеристики:

Компанія: Synox Medicals
Активний період напіввиведення (дні): 10 days
Група: Анаболічні стероїди
Підгрупа: Ін'єкційний
Дозування: 250 mg/ml
Застосування (чоловіки): 250-1000 mg a week
Пакет продукту: флакон 10 мл
Вміст (активний): Testosterone Enanthate
На масляній основі: Так
Утримує воду: Так
ароматизація: Так

Купити зараз

Product Description

Testosterone Enanthate is perhaps the most known steroid among athletes and bodybuilders from all levels and sports disciplines. Known on the market since 1937, Testosterone Enanthate became the most used long ester testosterone form in medicine and bodybuilding today.


By using Testosterone Enanthate, athletes can increase muscle gains, boost strength, and lift oxygen in the blood cells to stimulate faster muscle and bone tissue regeneration. Additionally, it promotes sexual well-being, stimulates positive emotional background, and accelerates fat burn.


The most common adverse reactions attributed to Testosterone Enanthate are acne, temporary testosterone reproduction shutdown, raised Low-density cholesterol levels (LDL), and aromatization.


You should consider medication for prolactin level regulation when using this product. Additionally, consider including HGH, gonadotropin, boldenone, letrozole, exemestane or anastrozole to minimize side effects.


Testosterone Enanthate shows excellent results and can be safely applied with long esters and HGH.